How do marketers resist the grind of 996? Of course, with [Marketing Automation]!
It is undeniable that there are many dimensions to marketing optimization. Why must it be marketing automation?
Before answering this question, consider another: If there is one aspect within a company that always has room for growth, what is it?
The answer must be efficiency.
Business operations are an endless struggle of conquering and being conquered, so it is crucial to maximize efficiency to exchange for the economic value of time.
Marketing automation is one of the most effective methods, and its value includes but is not limited to the following three aspects.
1. Significantly improve the efficiency of marketing personnel, saving the company approximately 40-60% in labor costs.
As mentioned above, time is money. For marketers, marketing automation can free up human resources, allowing them to spend their intellect and time on more challenging and valuable tasks (such as marketing creativity, personalized recommendations, and personalized communication), thereby fully unleashing business potential.
For companies, it also saves on labor costs, achieving two goals with one action.
2. Demonstrate Return on Investment (ROI) and Marketing Effectiveness
Being able to prove return on investment is one of the values of implementing marketing automation.
Most companies, especially B2B enterprises, currently rely on traditional marketing methods and struggle to prove effectiveness based on data from market outreach activities.
According to research reports, over half (55%) of marketers worldwide believe that the lack of closed-loop reporting negatively impacts their marketing efforts.
The marketing automation tool is the solution to this, cross-platform data synchronization and docking, no need to manually import, marketing reports are free to download, performance charts support real-time export, which allows marketers to easily and comprehensively access more dimensional data.
With exhaustive omni-channel data, self-certifying results and returns is no longer a difficult task.
3. Scientifically optimize marketing campaigns and budgets, improve ROI, and increase company revenue.
Today's marketing technology can establish a direct information channel from the brand to the end customer. If this direct channel is comprehensive and well-established, it can capture a more complete "digital footprint" of the user.
Marketing automation helps companies continuously improve the comprehensiveness and smoothness of this information channel.
Through a series of pre-defined marketing journeys, companies can monitor and visualize marketing effectiveness in real-time. This allows for continuous optimization and adjustment, which can then be applied to subsequent marketing campaigns. As a result, companies can gain relatively accurate market insights and effectively understand user and market feedback.
Moreover, marketing automation also provides valuable insights for budget optimization.
There is a famous saying in the advertising industry: "I know half of my advertising budget is wasted; I just don't know which half." This statement is equally applicable to corporate marketing.
Compared to the traditional approach of formulating marketing strategies and budgets based on empirical knowledge, marketing automation abandons such empiricism. It is not a "gut decision" but rather a scientifically optimized process grounded in digital management and data analysis.
From this perspective, the earlier you start your marketing automation, the more it can guide and improve your future marketing campaigns.
If you want to dive deeper into practical insights on marketing automation, please scan the QR code to download.

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